Australia’s Millennials Dream of Heading Overseas for Work

Australia’s Millennials Dream of Heading Overseas for Work

A slowing economy, a rise in unemployment and perhaps political musical chairs is urging Australia’s Generation Y or Millennials (those who reached young adulthood in the year 2000) to head overseas to perceived greener pastures.

A report from the recruitment firm Robert Walters unearthed an inconvenient truth that almost nine in 10 Millennials working in Australia want to head overseas to work. It’s today’s largely borderless world, with markets and opportunities unseen by previous generations, which set expectations so high.

A whopping 87 percent of the 1000 professionals surveyed said that employers should offer international career opportunities as part of their training and development programs – a quite staggering expectation that is only matched by Millennials’ natural drive.

The whitepaper also found that just over half of Millennials have experienced generational conflict at work with employers growing increasingly frustrated from younger generations’ expectations of rapid career progression.

Of course, Millennials claim older generations’ are incapable of embracing and using new technologies – which in many cases is a well-founded criticism.

What is certain though is that many Australian firms simply cannot afford to send their employees to overseas stations when their value to the company is still being nurtured. It’s surely an expectation that will realign with reality in time but hey dreaming is free right?

Employers have pointed out that many Millennials simply aren’t ready to adapt to overseas working environments in places like Hong Kong or New York and that such expectations stem from growing up with regular family holidays (wink wink, nudge nudge).

If you feel your company, boss, or the entire baby boomer generation is holding you back and your planning on moving abroad for work or for a holiday masqueraded as work (nothing wrong with that) then you’ll need help moving your things. From A to B without fuss or stress is our specialty!
