Christmas Special: Home is Where the Heart Is

Home is Where the Heart Is

Homesickness is a common phenomenon in the world. People often feel the desire to travel and see distant locations on this planet. They sometimes discover, however, that they were happiest where they first began. That can be quite a tough pill for many to swallow. Travel can be an exhilarating, eye-opening and meaningful experience indeed. It can sometimes, however, give people additional perspective. It can help them rediscover the value of home.

That can be an indispensable discovery in today's perpetually evolving and fast-paced society. People often don't stop to think about the things that mean the most to them. They don't often take the time to think about the importance of home and the people around them. That can sometimes make them take things for granted.

Home is Where the Heart Is

The saying 'home is where the heart is' rings true for many. It's not always easy to define exactly what 'home' is, however. Home can mean so many different things for so many different people. It's not necessarily where you were born. It's not necessarily where you grew up or where your family members reside, either. It's quite simply the place that makes you feel most comfortable and at ease.

If you spend a year globetrotting, home is the place that makes you feel a sense of relief. It's the place that gives you a feeling of familiarity that's like no other. Home can in many ways feel like a nice, warm and cosy blanket all over your body. That's one of the best ways to explain it. When you're at home, all feels right in the world. Things seem natural. Things flow more easily. 

The Many Different Facets of a Home

Watching a heartwarming Christmas special on television can often give people an idea of what a true home is. A home is where people know your name. It's where people understand you best. If you're a small town person at heart, you may feel out of place any time you visit bigger cities around the globe. You may feel like you stick out like a sore thumb.

When you get back to your small town roots, however, things probably totally change. You feel like you blend in better. You understand the natural rhythms of the individuals around you. You feel a sense of harmony with your physical surroundings, too. It can be hard to wax poetic about the wonders of the country lifestyle. People who are used to being surrounded by trees, mountains and water all day long, because of that, frequently find it tough to adapt to more urban settings.

Feeling Like You Belong

It isn't unusual for people to leave their hometowns in favour of other locations. People often aren't comfortable with their hometowns. If you don't connect with your place of birth, you simply don't connect with it. It's as simple as that. You can't force a bond with a physical location any more than you can force one with another human being. Things either work or they don't. That's why many people adopt their own hometowns.

Visiting Paris, France can be a majestic and magical experience. The French metropolis is full of history, romance, amazing food and fascinating people. That's why it's no surprise that people everywhere gravitate to it. Paris is home to countless people who consider it to be their hometowns. These people weren't all born in the French capital city, either. They were born in locations as diverse as New York City, Sydney, Auckland, Seoul and New Delhi. This proves the true concept of a hometown. You don't have to be born in your designated 'hometown.' You simply have to love the place. If you genuinely love a city or town in spite of its flaws, then you know it's a good fit for you.

Hometowns and the Relocation Process

People often discover hometowns thanks to their significant others. It isn't unheard of for people to move to distant locations to be with the ones they love. If you move to Los Angeles, California to be with your sweetheart, you may naturally develop a strong attachment to the sun-kissed city. Positive associations mean a lot to people. It feels great to be in love. It feels great to be in a setting that reminds you of love, too. Who wouldn't want that? It isn't exactly easy to define the concept of a hometown in contemporary society.

The good news is that no definition is necessary. Home, simply put, is where your heart is. Nothing more and nothing less. You don't have to view a lengthy Christmas special to learn that home is where the heart is. You simply have to look at your own life. Where do you feel most comfortable? Where do you truly shine? That, in a nutshell, is your home.
