Moving House During Pregnancy

Moving House While Pregnant

Moving House When Pregnant

Moving into a new home can be a very exciting time as can bringing a new baby into your family. When you put these two major events together though, this can bring a lot of stress into your life. During the process of pregnancy many women find the need to nest and get organized prior to the baby coming and sometimes, moving into a new home will be part of this process in order to gain some extra space or relocate to a more family-friendly area. While the process of moving can be done during pregnancy, it is important to do so safely and remember that too much strenuous physical activity could be harmful to the baby and to the mother. This is especially true if there are any complications going on during the pregnancy. Below you'll find some information on moving house during pregnancy so you know how to do so in the least stressful method possible.

Pick A Reasonable Moving Date

You might be moving a couple of streets over or you might be moving out of state while pregnant. It is important to make sure you pick a good point in your pregnancy that will allow for you to partake in this move and ensure that you and baby are safe. Many women experience some pretty uncomfortable morning sickness during the first trimester of their pregnancy so you might want to avoid moving during this time when all you want to do is nap and rest at your convenience. The end of the third trimester can be a challenge as well as mom and baby are both getting larger and having more difficulty getting around. You also don’t want to initiate any contractions by moving house during pregnancy. Maybe select a moving date as close to the center of your pregnancy as possible.

Pack Early On

As soon as you know you are going to be moving, get packing but do this process slowly. Set a goal for each day and try to stick to that schedule as long as you feel up to it. You don’t have to pack an entire room in one day but think about sorting through and packing one cupboard or closet per day so you can stay organized but also stay productive. Just make sure you are labeling everything so you don’t forget what is in each box and where certain things are.

Have A New Doctor Ready

If you are going to be moving out of state while pregnant you are going to need a new doctor when you arrive. You want to have this done ahead of time so if you need any kind of check up or advice on the first few days you arrive you will be able to do so. You also want to be aware of what hospital you will be delivering at so you can get there quickly if need be.

Stay Organized

There is a lot that goes into the process of moving that doesn’t include packing and moving large items. These kinds of things are great for pregnant moms. All of your utilities need to be switched to the new address which usually just includes a bunch of phone calls. You also need to do things like have your mail forwarded to your new location and maybe switch prescriptions to a new pharmacy or cancel your gym membership. Be sure to take breaks regardless of what task you are focusing on that given day.

Don't Feel Rushed

You will be tempted to want to rush through the unpacking process once you have arrived because you know that you have limited time until the baby comes. Don't feel rushed in this process. You may want some of the essentials unpacked but don't worry about things that can be done later like hanging up family photos on the walls.

Hire Help

Whether you need boxes moved to your new location, old items moved out to the curb, or cleaning when moving house, it is important to utilize professionals to help you. This will ensure you don’t overdo it while you are pregnant but there will still be a lot getting done during the move. Storage is also an option if you need to keep some items put away for the time being but a full service moving company is ideal for assistance with moving your household goods.

Make sure that during the moving process you take care of yourself. This means rest when necessary, take breaks for meals, drink plenty of water and don’t slack on your doctor’s visits. There is absolutely nothing wrong with moving during the time of being pregnant but this process should be done safely and methodically in order to keep everyone safe and keep everyone healthy.
