Top 5 Tips for Moving with Pets

Moving with Pets

Owning a pet is one of life’s many joys. However, when it comes to moving house your pets can become a pain in the butt (to put it midly). Your family dog or cat rely on comfort, predictability and stability - so it’s important to make an effort to look after them during the moving process. These 5 practical tips can help make moving with your animals a smooth and positive experience for all.

1. Don't Delay the Packing Process

The packing process can be extremely nerve-racking to dogs and cats alike. If you want things to go smoothly and easily, you should start packing as soon as possible. Starting early can encourage your pets to adapt to the situation quickly.

The last thing you want to do is shock them out of nowhere. It can also be smart to confine your pets to a specific room that's particularly comforting to them. Let them stay in the room until the big day approaches. That can be the final room you pack.

2. Give Your Pets a Calm and Silent Environment

Moving can be frightening to animals. The chaos and motion can be overwhelming to them. The presence of strange professional movers and boxes of all sizes can be overwhelming. You can ease discomfort in your pets by confining them to a calm and silent room in your home.

This can be a particularly good idea for pet owners who have concerns about potential escapes. If you want to stop your nervous cat or dog from bolting any time the door opens, this can make for an efficient and solid plan. Your goal should be to do whatever you can to help your pets maintain their basic day-to-day lifestyle.

3. Think About the Travel Process

Dogs and cats usually aren't the greatest travellers. That's why it can be difficult for them to deal with car rides. It can be hard for them to handle crates as well. If you want your pets' travel experiences to go smoothly, practice makes perfect.

Get them used to being inside of crates slowly but surely. Put their meals inside of open crates. Let them eat in these crates. Close the door while they eat. Give them the chance to adjust to their crates by driving them around for brief periods of time. This should make your actual move significantly less overwhelming and confusing to them.

4. Make Sure Your New Residence is Safe and Secure

A pet-friendly residence is essential for moving success. Your job isn't done once you move into your brand new home. It's actually just beginning. If you want your pets to flourish in their new residences, you have to make sure they get access to a safe and reliable environment.

Hide electrical cords. Cover up any corners that could potentially trap them. Place dependable screens on all of the windows. Do away with any potentially toxic plants that may be accessible to them as well. These measures can all keep your pets safe and happy in their new homes.

5. Encourage a Slow Adjustment Process

It can be hard for pets to adapt to new living environments. Dogs and cats often thrive on predictability and consistency. If you want your pets to get used to your new home, you should focus on one specific room first. This room can serve as your pets' safe haven.

Avoid the pitfall of overwhelming your pets with too much all at one time. Give your pets the opportunity to get acquainted with a single room initially. Be sure to keep their beloved treats, toys and food in that room, too. Your objective should be to help them establish positive associations to it. Remember, moving with pets isn't always the simplest task in the world. It's always a task that calls for a considerable amount of patience and effort. If you go above and beyond for your pets, however, you should be able to enjoy a move that's relatively smooth and easy. Your adorable pets should be just fine in the end, too.

Read our 4 tips for low-stress moving with pets blog.
