Why Moving is Good for the Soul

Why Moving is Good for the Soul

While some of us like the comforts of a long-term family home and neighborhood, others just can’t keep still in life: we move overseas, we backpack, we change houses, we upgrade and downgrade, we adapt to new careers, cities and it can all make our lives that much richer.

Of course, moving around like a vagabond can only really work when we are relatively free of responsibility: young, no family, perhaps single, and a career or job that gives you the opportunity to work where you see fit. But we are more capable of moving for a fresh start than we think, even for families or elderly couples, and the benefits are many.

Change helps you grow, not only as an individual but as a couple or family too. If you’re stuck in a rut or just need to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city, a new experience or new space can help you in the right direction. It can be challenging, but sometimes being out of your comfort zone can help you find yourself again, to rethink what’s important in life and what you really want out of it. A new town or country will mean meeting new people and seeing new ways of living that help you become more open-minded.

One of the great things about fitting in and staying put in our local towns is our network of friends, friends of friends, family and colleagues. However, knowing how to build new networks is a valuable asset in life, especially when it comes to building a career or starting a business, or being open to making new friends who you normally wouldn’t mingle with – which can be a lot of fun.

Much of the time it is getting over the fear of moving that is the real challenge. How will you cope without that support system you enjoyed back home? When you build up the courage to take on a new city, you become exponentially more bold and fearless in your decision-making, which builds real mental strength.

For some of us the thought of moving is a daunting one, in part because we have collected so much stuff over the years. A tip for people who want to become more flexible is to ditch all your trinkets and needless furniture so you’re a more nimble. By all means, have a garage sale and embrace the freedom of a less materialistic way of living. Sometimes a simple life, in a new environment, is a surer way to be happy. 
